Sunday, May 18, 2008

Painting is Done

Theodore Lassche arrived this week from Vancouver Island to complete the painting of Teresa's apartment. Instead of a monotone beige, Theodore transformed the kitchen with a lovely terra cotta and bathroom/hallways with a darker tone. A very nice job! Theodore works fast and accurately, a real inspiration to those of us who aren't in the same league, decorating-wise. Many thanks to Theodore's wife Kathy and daughters Kara and Megan for lending him out.

Susan, Theodore, and Teresa

So now we're at T- minus two weeks. The big move takes place on Saturday, May 31. As Teresa puts it, "that can't happen too soon." Anyone who knows Teresa knows what a social animal she is, and being stuck alone in a house with no transportation simply won't do. There's always something going on at Holland Christian Homes, so there won't be any problem with social interaction.

On the medical front, there is (happily) no news to report. Teresa's hair is storming back, and the day is quickly approaching when the wig can be retired to a closet and forgotten. While we'd love to be able to say that Teresa Lassche's Cancer has been completely and utterly defeated, that's just not something that any cancer patient can say. "No current symptoms" or "in remission" is about the most realistic description. Cancer is a very tough opponent, and never to be underestimated. So please continue to keep Teresa in your prayers.

BBQ salmon - Food Network version

We're celebrating Victoria Day with a nice salmon BBQ. Special guests will be Theodore, plus Rob and Leslie Lassche from St. Thomas and their little son Nicolas. Should be fun!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

The Countdown Begins

In three weeks the big move takes place, so to borrow from space program terminology we are at “T minus three”. Most activity now centers on packing, sorting, donating, and re-distributing material possessions. Paint colour selection takes place this week, plus acquiring the paint and other materials.

Two cousins – Bethany and Ian

Teresa’s hair is quietly making a comeback, and her energies are starting to return. The main challenges at the moment are emotional, since it’s always difficult leaving a place to make a new home elsewhere. Marian and Bethany travelled down from Ottawa this weekend to keep Mom company, help out where necessary, and generally lend their support.

Marian, Teresa, and Bethany (graduating from Grade 8 soon)

Another welcome visitor arrives this Thursday from Vancouver Island. Teresa’s son Theodore is coming to do some painting in the new apartment. Likely this will be mostly accent painting, since Holland Christian Homes already restored the place to it’s standard “builder’s beige” colour scheme. By the time Teresa moves in, the apartment will look grand – new carpet, updated colour scheme, new blinds, and new A/C.

In honour of Mother’s Day, here are a couple from the archives:

Teresa and baby Susan - 1956

Susan as a mom, with Kathryn - 1987

Sunday, May 4, 2008

No Wheels - Difficult

Now that her car is gone, Teresa is feeling its loss keenly. For the next four weeks, until the move into Holland Christian Homes, Teresa will be stuck at home without the option to just drive somewhere as the inclination arises. Once she’s moved into HCH, however, this difficult situation is likely to change. It’s always a party there!

No wheels = no fun

For the time being, Susan swings by to pick up Teresa and make a grocery run, or to drive her to an appointment. Teresa also appreciates the ride to church from her friends – that would hurt, not being able to get to her church on Sunday.

Improvements continue apace in the apartment. The A/C unit was installed this week, so there’s no fear of those hot summer days. Susan and Teresa ordered new blinds as well, which will be installed in the last week of May. Very nice verticals with a valance. If time allows this week, Susan and Teresa will look into paint chips for when Theodore arrives to paint in a couple of weeks.

Vertical blinds (sample)

Most days involves the packing, sorting, and sometimes donating of household stuff. Teresa’s grandson Ian has arranged for the rental of a cube van at the end of the month for the big move. The computer got a repreive, and will remain on the “keep” list for the time being. If there’s good internet access at HCH, Teresa may just get back into e-mail.

The wig will soon be history!

There were no medical appointments this week, but here’s an interesting development – Teresa’s hair is growing back! The eyebrows are already in place, and scalp hair is coming back steadily.