Sunday, May 18, 2008

Painting is Done

Theodore Lassche arrived this week from Vancouver Island to complete the painting of Teresa's apartment. Instead of a monotone beige, Theodore transformed the kitchen with a lovely terra cotta and bathroom/hallways with a darker tone. A very nice job! Theodore works fast and accurately, a real inspiration to those of us who aren't in the same league, decorating-wise. Many thanks to Theodore's wife Kathy and daughters Kara and Megan for lending him out.

Susan, Theodore, and Teresa

So now we're at T- minus two weeks. The big move takes place on Saturday, May 31. As Teresa puts it, "that can't happen too soon." Anyone who knows Teresa knows what a social animal she is, and being stuck alone in a house with no transportation simply won't do. There's always something going on at Holland Christian Homes, so there won't be any problem with social interaction.

On the medical front, there is (happily) no news to report. Teresa's hair is storming back, and the day is quickly approaching when the wig can be retired to a closet and forgotten. While we'd love to be able to say that Teresa Lassche's Cancer has been completely and utterly defeated, that's just not something that any cancer patient can say. "No current symptoms" or "in remission" is about the most realistic description. Cancer is a very tough opponent, and never to be underestimated. So please continue to keep Teresa in your prayers.

BBQ salmon - Food Network version

We're celebrating Victoria Day with a nice salmon BBQ. Special guests will be Theodore, plus Rob and Leslie Lassche from St. Thomas and their little son Nicolas. Should be fun!

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